About us

Our mission is to create long-lasting and impactful changes that will allow water-deficient areas to heal and prosper. Promoted by Pope Francis and based on his social and environmental objective, we initiate projects in the fields of water, food security, energy and education to improve the quality of lives and well-being of communities around the world.

How we Started

The Educational Water Pact is a collaboration between Scholas Occurrentes, Y.A. Maof. and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem Together, we are working tirelessly to create long-lasting and impactful changes that will allow water-deficient areas to heal and prosper. At the core of our activity, we build bridges between people and technology. Building bridges is a vision and a method that unites our founders. The EWPF is a pact between communities and technological companies, integrating economy, environment and society. We are committed to work together to find optimal solutions for people’s water and environmental challenges. The pact seeks to achieve its goal through socioenvironmental projects related to water treatment and supply, solid waste, food security, energy and environment, by integrating innovative technological solutions in water management and creating a professional local work force in the regions where we work. Promoted by Pope Francis and based on his social and environmental objective – the bridge between us allows for better outreach of both knowledge and impact. We must act now to save our common home. The Educational Water Pact Forum was born from the common will of our founders to provide drinking water to all the children of the world, thus taking up the cry of the most vulnerable and inspired by the ethical challenge of Pope Francis: “Our world has a grave social debt towards the poor who lack access to drinking water, because they are denied the right to a life consistent with their inalienable dignity” (Laudato si’, 30)

There is literally NO time to waste – NOR water.

Scholas Occurrentes

The Pontifical Foundation Scholas Occurrentes is a global educational organization founded with the blessing of Pope Francis.
It is present on the five continents and through its network integrates half a million of educational institutions. Its mission is to respond to the call to create the Culture of Encounter, bringing together young people in an education that generates Meaning.
Scholas’ programs bring together young people and children from public and private schools, with different social, cultural and religious backgrounds and mainly art, sports and technologies are its educational languages. These are transversal to the most part of Scholas’ activities and projects, they are the tools through which children have the possibility to fully express themselves.
As part of its framework, Scholas has also a strong approach to Universities. “Scholas Chairs” constitutes a space for reflection and action connecting a large network where every individual (professors, researchers, students) is enriched by the encounter with others, through links that develop between the different universities, schools and projects of Scholas. Its purposes are to disseminate ideas and pedagogic proposals among the different realities of countries and continents, develop synergies among universities, involve students in this research and generate activities in the service of the community.
Scholas is, in the end, a global movement of a wall-less huge classroom, convinced that through education we can create a new world.


Y.A. Maof provides advanced high-quality environmental solutions, specializing in developing and managing projects that turn environmental challenges into resources, committed to creating long-term, sustainable economic and environmental solutions, based on local needs and sustainable business models.

The company operates and is involved in various fields including, water infrastructure, water treatment, renewable energy, waste & wastewater management, circular economy, and environmental education involving local economies and communities.

At the core of its activities, Y.A. Maof builds bridges between people and technology, that allow regions to pivot their economies, environments, and societies. The company accomplishes this, by engaging in powerful global partnerships and facilitating meetings between technological and academic experts, and social and spiritual leaders to promote together scalable, applicable, and innovative solutions.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is Israel’s leading academic and research institution, renowned for its excellence in education and its commitment to advancing knowledge in various disciplines. The university is dedicated to producing innovative solutions that address societal challenges and contribute to the betterment of the world.
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