Past Events

September 2022

Scholas Chairs Congress

September 5-7, 2022
VII International Scholas Chairs Congress aim to bring together professors and researchers from the universities…

June 2022

Educational Water Pact Event- The Vatican City

The main event of the Educational Water Pact forum and its members organizes by Y.A. Maof Holdings & Managment and Scholas Occurrentes Foundation.

April 2022

Educational Water Pact launch
4-6/4/2022 Jerusalem

Y.A. Maof Holdings & Management LTD and Pontifical Foundation Scholas Occurrentes are announcing the Launch ceremony of the Educational Water Pact Forum…

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We believe knowledge is power and connection is action. We invite you to take part and join us in our quest to provide drinking water. For any inquiries and further information about our activity click here

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