Chaco, Argentina

Chaco province is in a remote and underprivileged area in northern Argentina. About 100,000 people live there in poor agricultural villages with polluted water sources and poor sanitary conditions.

Chaco continues to suffer from the worst social conditions in the country with 49.3% of its population living below the poverty line and 17.5% of children between the ages of two and five in a state of malnutrition. Among Argentine provinces, it places last by GDP per capita and 21st in the Human Development Index, slightly above its neighboring provinces Formosa and Santiago del Estero. (Wikipedia)

One of the most severe health problems in the region stems from the polluted drinking water, which is consumed by most of the population. The Water Pact Forum aims to mitigate the problem by supplying water purifying devices to the area and building education programs to increase awareness and programs for professional training in the field of water for the local population.

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