The Citizenship Program is a Scholas Occurrentes initiative. It is Scholas’ foundational experience. During six days, between two hundred and four hundred young people from different schools within a community, get together to select two problems or issues that affect them in their day to day living. 

After selecting and going deeper into the problem, they take upon themselves the responsibility to create solutions that they will present to local authorities on the last day of the program. 


This is the first experience at Scholas, already replicated in the last four years, by 25 thousand young people, from countries as diverse as: Paraguay, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Honduras, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Palestine, Cuba, United States, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Mozambique. 

These young people selected and created solutions for issues such as: Educational system needs, discrimination, stereotyping, bullying and cyberbullying, suicide among youth, environmental pollution, water issues, lack of safety in their communities, lack of opportunities, youth unemployment, and indifference. 


Among those who have taken an active part in this experiential program are: principals and executives, teachers, volunteer educators from all over the world, with the support of governments, international organisations, religious communities, foundations and private companies.


A number of participants have chosen to work on a problem related to water in their community. Either lack of water, pollution of water sources, or waste, they selected an issue and are working hard to present creative solutions that will involve local authorities and the community. 

They are working with the support of the Educational Water Pact Forum and its team of water experts. Through their work with the Educational Water Pact Forum, they count with the support of partner Universities and private companies that form part of it.

Projets liés

Chaco Argentina
Arequipa Peru
Guatemala Honduras

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