Scholas Chairs Congress

The VII International Scholas Chairs Congress in Collaboration with The Educational Water Pact Forum, aims to bring together professors and researchers from the universities that are members of the Scholas Chairs Program and personalities from the religious world, culture, the third sector, social movements, business, trade unions, diplomats, government officials and all those interested in being part of an opportunity for cooperation and learning around education as the main instrument for social change.


The event will take place in Santiago de Chile at the Católica Silva Henriquez University on September 5-7, 2022.

More Past Events

Educational Water Pact Event- The Vatican City

June 2022

Educational Water Pact launch
4-6/4/2022 Jerusalem

April 2022


August 2021

6TH Scholas Chairs International Congress

July 2021

The future of water: technological innovation for a sustainable world

March 2021

Global week: The bridge project: Innovative environmental programs in Latin America

September 2019
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